
what you think you want

I don't remember how it came to be, exactly - an ad in a flyer? a tv commercial?

All I remember is wanting it.  NEEDING it.  begging for it.

Getting it, opening the box and reading the instructions led to the first disappointment.  You don't just set up the fun maze and start playing the game of MouseTrap, you painstakingly put it together bit by bit, turn by turn.  You don't even activate the marble until the very end of the game - disappointment number two.  The third let down?  Surprise, surprise, the plastic pieces are not the highest quality and once one piece breaks, the game is useless.

Fast forward a good chunk of time....

I'm in the Toys'R'Us aisle with my kids, each with money to spend.  After MUCH convincing, I coerce them into each choosing a game.  My eldest spots the colourful Mouse Trap box and squeals in delight, "I've always wanted this game and it's ON SALE!"

Now Mom has a choice.  Does she tell the tale of heartache in years gone by, describing in great detail the disappointment the child will have to endure with this game?  Or does she smile and agree to the purchase. Inwardly, this mom wrestled a little.  Knowing what she wants and what she's about to get - and the vast canyon between the two....

She got it.
And I watched her go through the rise and fall of delight to despair.

If I had told her, I don't think she would even have believed me, truth be told.

How often what I think I want out of life turns out to be wrong.  I think I understand what I'm getting myself into.  I think I've thought of everything and yet....

The ultimate example of grace and mercy, my God lets me find my way - twisting and turning down every path - to His best for me.  Yes, sometimes it means disappointment along the way.  Yes, it can lead to despair.  But as I continue to align myself with His will, His goals and purposes, I will not be distracted by what the world tells me I need.  I will not make decisions based on preference or an effort to take the easy road.

The things I think I want - these ones that don't live up their promises - aren't the things that are best for me.  What the Lord wants for my life, the direction He would have me go, these are the things I need to build into my life - for His glory and my good.

"May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, 
who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, 
encourage your hearts and strengthen you 
in every good deed and word."  
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17


  1. how true my friend. how true.

  2. This is why we need to stick to video games.


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