
looking back II

Relaxing on Good Friday afternoon, morning brunch and service finished and cleaned up, I'm looking back again to my response to this day last year...

I was hoping to find a youtube video for the song lyrics for at the end of that post...too bad, no video to be found!  (well worth the 99cents on itunes, though)

Remember Jesus
the Author and Perfector of our faith...

and don't forget: Sunday's coming!


looking back-thankful on a Thursday

I'm not gifted with a really great memory.

I would say quite the opposite.....

That's one reason I enjoy having journals and this blog - to be able to look back and remember what God has done in my life and the lives of those around me.

So today I'm looking back at my response to Maundy Thursday last year and praying for a fresh view of who God is and what He's doing in me and the world.

And I'm thankful (this Thursday!) that I have this record to aide my memory!



Yesterday we spent the afternoon at our youngest daughter's first ever gymnastics display.  How excited this girl was to perform with her group and show us what she had learned in the last ten weeks!  You see, each week she longed to have us stay and watch the sessions for the whole hour, but we were asked to please stay outside the gym while the girls practiced.  This made sense, I thought, knowing how easily young ladies (especially mine!) can be distracted!

As we drove to the new location where the program was to be held, she went on and on, chattering away about all we would do and see. She seemed particularly pleased to think that I could stay and watch them warm up and rehearse - to get a preview of the big show!

When we got there and checked in, the instructor instructed me that I was to show my sweet child where I was putting her things and then go until the doors opened for seats in the main gym....in 2 hours.  My mother's heart ached for my daughter as I watched the disappointment cross her face. 

I crouched down in front of her.  "Is this ok, sweetie?  Is it ok if mommy goes?"

She turned her face from mine, not willing to make eye contact, as she visibly gathered up her courage and in a forced-cheery voice replied, "it's ok!"
How deep the Father's love for us
 how vast beyond all measure
that He should give His only Son 
to make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss
  the Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the Chosen One 
bring many sons to glory

I wonder if the Father had to turn His face away, to keep from looking into the eyes of His Son.  I wonder if He gathered up His courage and whispered, "it'll be ok" - even as He knew it would - just to make it through the crucifixion of His only child....

to make this wretch His treasure.


thankful on a thursday

today as i set out to bake chocolate chip cookies - the really good kind with thick, sugary dough - i got to thinking about the arms of my ancestors.

strange? probably.

but think about it for a second.

i was struggling with my hand mixer and i could feel my muscles working to keep it in the bowl, doing it's thing....

but my granny never had an electric mixer as a young mom of seven. (7!)

she had a wooden spoon.

and no money for store bought cookies.

so i laughed to myself because i've planned into my day a trip to the Y to get some needed exercise. my granny didn't have a gym membership. she strengthened her arms baking cookies and stirring butter and cream into mashed potatoes. she exercised her legs by walking to the bus, standing on her feet all day at the book binding factory and walking herself back to bus. she got home and finished the dinner and the dishes and did the laundry and made the lunches for the next day.

and most importantly, she exercised her knees every morning, bowing before her Heavenly Father, thanking Him for who He is and how He provides.

so today, THURSDAY, i'm thankful.
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