

this summer has been anything but slow for our family.

we have had 5 weddings,
(with more to come)
some of which we were part of...

3 weeks at camp,
(with more come)
serving in a variety of ways...

a 3 day get-away,
so needed for the family to reconnect...

{as well as our on-going regular responsibilities at church
(a.k.a. our "jobs")...}

mixed in with 
Gramma's Camp,
the wading pool,
pre-marriage counselling,
entertaining new friends and old,
birthdays and family times,

all the prep that goes along with 
coming and going,
coming and going,
coming and going...

today is a slow day.
nothing on the agenda.

my heart was craving worship as i thought about the seasons
getting ready to change again.

reading in Psalm 104 reminded me 
Who is in control of the seasons,
Who is the One who breathes life into all things.

today i will be slow.
and breathe deep.
and be renewed.

"When you give them your breath
[when you send your Spirit],
life is created,
and you renew the face of the earth."
ps 104:30


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