There's nothing quite like seeing your poor children in jeans and long sleeves in 22C weather to help you gain a little inspiration!
There it is again - this word that keeps rattling around in my brain....though this time, it might also be called desperation.
Inspiration is that thing where you suddenly are motivated to something. Maybe something you really enjoy, or maybe it's something you need to do and are surprised by the energy and willingness to complete it.
Inspiration calls me to my glue gun at odd hours to make something... it helps me see beyond the messy closet to a new idea for getting organized... it tells me I CAN be a better wife, mother, draws me to a pretty magazine, or a new devotional book, or a new exercise dvd....
Inspiration can be found in a quote like this one I read on a friend's facebook page:
"If you do what you've always done,
you'll get what you've always gotten."
Inspiration can come from books we read, websites and blogs we visit, and from conversations with friends. There's nothing quite like hearing about a friend's success with some area of their life that will make you think, "I can do that too!"
The best inspiration, of course, comes from God's Word. The scriptures teach us and correct us. They show us the way to the life God intended for us to have. They remind us of who He is and speak of His unfailing love. (One of my faves is Psalm 143:8-10)
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